About Us
Our Church

Revd Nick Jones has pastoral responsibility for our church along with Deacon Marilyn Slowe.
Marilyn joined us in the Summer of 2017 and had a lot of involvement with our ambitious rebuilding programme which completed almost a year later with a grand re-opening in September 2018. She has put the new kitchen to good use offering a warm welcome to hundreds.
Nick came to join us on 1 September 2024 having had pastoral charge of several churches around the English Midlands and having already served our Circuit as Superintendent since 2022. He also has oversight of three of our sister churches at Kingsbury, Stockland Green and Witton.
Within the Methodist Church of Great Britain we are part of the Birmingham District, and within that we are part of the Sutton Park Circuit of 13 churches in the north of the city. On those links you can find out more about the church at regional and national level, and on our website you will find out what we are doing locally.
We share ministers and local preachers within our circuit and for this reason we have very strong links with our sister churches. The circuit has a mix of suburban churches like ours and a number of urban churches nearer to the centre of Birmingham. The suburban churches are nearer to each other so do tend to share preachers and services quite frequently, but we also have historically close links with Witton Methodist Church which is part of the urban group and one of those also looked after by Revd Nick.
We are a registered charity, number 1130630.
Our Area
We overlook the roundabout at the junction of Four Oaks Road (A454) and Lichfield Road (A5127) opposite Four Oaks Railway Station. We are a few minutes' walk from the middle of Mere Green, which has recently been undergoing quite a redevelopment of its own and has a number of new shops and restaurants.

Locally, we are on the boundary between local council wards, Sutton Four Oaks and Sutton Trinity. The City Council has information about both areas on this link.
We are a short walk from Sutton Park, one of the largest urban parks in Europe, which was given over to the people of Sutton Coldfield by King Henry VIII in 1528. You can find information about the park on this site maintained by the Friends of Sutton Park.
That legal stuff
Copyright - the contents of our website are copyright © Four Oaks Methodist Church 2020-2024. All rights reserved. However we are very happy to license use of our material for any purpose compatible with our calling as the Methodist Church in Four Oaks. Just ask us.
Liability - we take care to ensure that the information on our site is accurate but we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage resulting from any inaccuracy that may inadvertently appear. We are not responsible for the content or functioning of any other websites we link to. By linking to other websites we do not necessarily endorse everything they publish.
Information - we only record and retain your information when we need to, and this includes imagery captured by our CCTV cameras. We will keep your information secure and only use it for the original purposes. We won't share your information with anyone without your permission (aside from our insurers if they ask us, or the police or other authorities where that is appropriate). Our policy relating to privacy and cookies is here.