Around the Circuit
We haven't refreshed this page yet after a lot of the website went into mothballs during the pandemic, so at the moment it has a nostalgic feel.
We'll be doing that refresh soon but in the meantime please check out the Information Page for things happening in the church family and click to sign up for the Circuit's weekly newsletter.
We are a part of the Sutton Park Circuit of Methodist Churches in the north of Birmingham, 12 churches of various sizes who work together, sharing ministers and preachers and undertaking many initiatives together. We often have joint services. We also collaborate on training for staff and volunteers.
These are our sister churches.
Falcon Lodge
South Parade
Stockland Green
We use this page to share news of some of the things happening around our Circuit. You will always be very warmly welcomed at any Circuit events.

Did you know the Circuit has a cafe? If ever you're able to have lunch there (10.30 am - 1.30 pm on weekdays) you can be assured of excellent, friendly service at the Cafe On The Green at Stockland Green church in Slade Road.
New Circuit website
Have you visited the new Circuit website yet?
You might need to change your bookmarks to show the address of the new site which is at www.SuttonParkCircuit.com
The new site has a whole team of people from the churches in the Circuit who add details of the news and the forthcoming events at their church so it's the best place to keep abreast of what's going on. to make sure you don't miss anything you might like you can subscribe as a follower of the site and be notified whenever something is posted by one of the team. When you visit click the "follow" button in the bottom right hand corner of the page and give the relevant email details.
Support for Older People
South Parade Methodist Church has a ministry helping older people in our community, as you can see from their poster.
Do you know someone who might need their help? Someone in our area who is feeling isolated, who might benefit from a little practical help, or just a listening ear? Perhaps you would like to get out a little more yourself, make new friends, try a new activity?
Although Birmingham is a relatively young city, that masks the fact that there is a steadily increasing population of elderly folk, especially in suburban areas like ours. Not everyone has an accessible network of family and friends, or even if they do they may not feel comfortable to ask.
Please make sure anyone you know who might benefit from this ministry has the contact number.

Knife Crime Project - Walk for Justice
Walk from our Circuit to Westminster
14-19 April
All parts of our Circuit have been affected by a rise in knife crime. In the areas served by our urban cluster of churches the awful scourge of knife crime has taken a number of lives and blighted many others.
On 14 April, Palm Sunday, after a service of blessing and commissioning a truck rumbled slowly out of the Circuit heading for Parliament Square. Throughout Holy Week it made its way 114 miles south accompanied by hardy souls on foot and carrying a large metal cross made of knives taken off the streets.

At the end of that walk, and after attracting a lot of public attention, the cross was the centre of an act of worship and protest in Parliament Square.
We hope and pray that this display of caring and concern will be just the start of a huge public outpouring of determination to face this challenge in every way possible.