Links to our Community
We have refreshed a lot of the information on this page now since the pandemic, but there is a bit more updating to do, so we apologise if what you are looking for isn't here yet.
In the meantime please check out the Information Page for things happening in the church family.
Birmingham City Mission
We collect food, toiletries and sometimes funds for the Basics Bank of Birmingham City Mission, which supports vulnerable families in our city. There is usually a collection after the morning service once a month, but donations can be left at any time in the donations box in the church's main entrance.
Sometimes the groups serving coffee after the morning service collect donations for BCM too, which we use to buy what the City Mission tell us they are especially short of - click the picture of our collection box for the current priority list.
Our annual Toy Service at the beginning of Advent also contributes to the Mission's massive effort to deliver toys to children in disadvantaged families.
Churches Together in Four Oaks
We collaborate with six other local churches in shared services, events and special occasions, especially around Easter and Christmas. We have enjoyed some great shared fellowship and benefit from experiencing worship in other traditions, as well as making a joint witness of our shared faith such as when we meet together in open air worship on Good Friday, and combine to sing carols to Mere Green's shoppers at Christmas.

Scouting and Guiding Groups

Scouting and Guiding groups began meeting at our church around 1930, and all these groups meet at church weekly during term times (and all year round in the case of the Explorers).
Beavers - the youngest Scouts, aged 6-8 who meet on Tuesdays from 6.00-7.00 pm
Cubs - the next oldest Scouts, aged between 8 and 10½, who meet on Mondays from 7.00-8.30 pm
Scouts - cater for children aged between 10½ and 14½, and meet on Thursdays from 7.00-8.30 pm
Focus Explorers - cater for young people between 14 and 18 and they generally meet on Fridays although they run a lot of evenings and weekends away
Rainbows - the youngest girls in Girlguiding, aged between 5 and 7 years old, they meet on Mondays from 4.45-5.45 pm
Brownies - the next oldest group in Girlguiding, aged between 7 and 10 years they meet on Mondays from 6.00-7.15 pm
Guides - the older girls, aged from 10-14, who meet on Mondays between 7.30 and 9.00 pm
Nkanfoa Methodist School in Ghana
For the last six years we have been offering support to Nkanfoa Methodist School and Church Aid (registered charity 1158446). Some of this support is reducing but fundraising for the charity will continue for as long as the school and the village need it.
Visit the charity's Facebook page to find out more. There are any ways you could help if you are interested, from attending the regular fundraising lunches to collecting useful items to donate. Currently old mobile phones are high on their agenda, as these are cheap to run in Ghana but very expensive to buy. Email the team for more details of more activities and ways to help.
The school has over 800 hundred pupils aged between 4 and 15 years. The pictures show a new classroom block which has been funded by the charity. Begun in 2008 it has been built slowly as funds have been raised so that today 8 of the 12 classrooms are in use. The remaining four are still being built. The latest pictures show the new roof and two big water tanks provided by another charity so the school is protected from the frequent water shortages. There's lots still to do - including doors, windows, lighting and power - for the new rooms to be usable by the teachers and children.

Our involvement stems from two longstanding church members who served as Methodist Mission Partners in the village of Nkanfoa near Cape Coast in Ghana from 2003 to 2006 and who have continued to support the Methodist School and church there ever since.
Over time the charity was founded, other Four Oaks members became involved, and many events have been promoted raising tens of thousands of pounds. The work will continue, and if this touches your heart you are very welcome to be a part of it.