News and Information
All the recent news about our church family. Anything we've underlined is a link to more details.
Get information on upcoming services on the Come to Church page.
If you don't already receive it, why not sign up for the Circuit's weekly newsletter. It will drop into your inbox every week, usually on Friday, and it has tons of up-to-the-minute information about what's happening around our circuit of churches and in the communities in north Birmingham that we serve. Visit the Circuit's website to find out about our sister churches.
Weekly notices can be sent to you by email, and there's a copy here. If you don't already subscribe please email the office and ask to go on the mailing list.
If you need help let someone in the church family know your situation
Getting in touch
You'll find all your usual options on the regular Contact us page.
Do you WhatsApp? Join the church WhatsApp group to keep up with news and share fellowship. It's somewhere where we share news, prayers, ideas, uplifting thoughts every day. To be added call or text Peter on 07966 875585
Prayer Line
If you would like someone to pray for you, or with you, or for a particular concern that is on your heart
​email the prayer line at fomcprayer@gmail.com
​Some Diary Dates
Zoom Bible Study - third Wednesday of the month, 7.45 pm for an 8.00 pm start, finishes around 9.00 pm though the link stays open for those wishing to chat - details for the link and passcode from Diana B or the office
Men's Meeting - last Friday of the month 7.30 pm in the garden room we call Hillfield - come along to enjoy some fellowship with gentlemen of all ages. This is a purely social event, very informal and largely taken up with impromptu chat though there is often a speaker. Not everyone who attends is a regular on Sunday mornings and everyone is welcome.
Zoom Prayer Group - don't forget this opportunity every other Wednesday (link and password in the weekly notices), join for as long as you wish and pray quietly or aloud as you feel comfortable.
Monthly Bible Study - meets in the Bennett Lounge monthly, 12-2.00 pm (details in the notices). Come along to be part of the discussion, get in touch through the office if you would like to ask anything about it or need encouragement.
Methodist Women in Britain's Spring Meeting is at Erdington Church on Saturday 22 March from 10.30 to 3.00. Everyone is welcome, the invitation isn't just for women, or just for Methodists. Bring a packed lunch. Before lunch the topic explored will be the status of women, and afterwards the Butterfly Movement.
Circuit Kids meets usually on the third Sunday every month at Kingstanding Church from 3.00 to 5.00 pm. It is aimed at children aged 4-11. There are games, activities, crafts and and a snack. You can check the dates on the Circuit Bulletin. If you don't already receive it, why not sign up for it on this link.
Lunch with the Punjabi community is generally on the first Monday of the month at 12.00. It's become a firm favourite and if ever you can make it you won't be disappointed. Traditional meals are cooked from fresh (be aware that if you happen to pass the kitchen that morning the delicious aroma will have you starving long before lunchtime - you have been warned!) The ladies ask for a £3 donation towards the ingredients, they offer their time, skill and hospitality as a gift.
Monday Fellowship meets on Mondays in the Bennett Lounge at 2.00. The Fellowship has a programme of speakers and events. Come along and renew old friendships or make new ones.
Flower Guild meets monthly and members and visitors warmly welcomed. Get in touch with the office for more details.
The Famous Saturday Drop-In ended at the end of January. The team has done an awesome job every Saturday morning making the Bacon Butty Fellowship something very special. We're hoping this represents an opportunity for another idea to blossom. If you have an idea, speak to one of the Stewards.
The Messenger magazine is monthly but it depends on you having things you'd like to share! Send us your news, articles, memories, good wishes, stories, thank-you messages, requests, prayers, events, and anything else you would like the church family to know about. Got a tricky puzzle or a funny joke? How about sharing a recipe? Send your contributions to the office or just by clicking the big orange button below to email us.
Not everyone in church is comfortable online, and this is a chance to engage with everyone!
Incidentally, you can have the Messenger by email if you prefer - tell your Pastoral Visitor or the office.
Toddler Group meets on Thursday mornings during school term times from 9.30-11.30 am. Contact the office for details or just turn up.
Luncheon Club meets monthly on Tuesdays at the end of the month - get in touch through the office if you don't have the details.
Ladies Friendship meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7.30 pm in the Bennett Lounge at church - get in touch through the office if you don't have the details.
Church Giving If you can contribute to our running costs that would be fantastic. Aside from room lettings, donations are our only way of funding our activities and paying our bills. A change in banking practice means that we are charged for paying in cash and cheques now, so you can help us avoid costs by using a standing order for regular contributions or online banking or the church payment terminal for one-off donations. (If anyone ever mentions "showing their card to Donna" Donna is what the terminal is called!) Please consider adding Gift Aid if you qualify.
We can also accept online donations - click here. Or use the big green button at the top of the page.
Financial worries are affecting many in our community, more so now than ever. Even as some day to day effects of the pandemic seem to be easing the financial position for many is worsening with rising prices, especially for fuel, energy and groceries. If you need advice, or know someone who does, please click here for contact details to receive confidential (and free) advice on the telephone from advisers working in partnership with Birmingham City Council.
Birmingham City Mission - We deliver donations regularly to BCM. Click here to see their shopping list. Donations of food and toiletries can be left in the box in church by the office or, as during the various pandemic lockdowns, in Ian and Sue's porch (contact us using the big orange button if you need the address). Ian and Sue, or Beth in the office, are also able to receive cash donations for BCM if that is easier for you - we'll ask the Mission what they need most urgently and go shopping! Thank you for your unflagging generosity in these worrying times.
Church Floodlighting - if you're interested in sponsoring the floodlighting you can always contact the office.