Here are answers to some questions we've been asked. If your question isn't here, or the answer doesn't help you, please get in touch with us.
Email the office or email the website editor. We'll do our best to answer your question and we'll improve this page for the future.
When are your services? Every Sunday and Wednesday morning, with a few additional services sometimes. Upcoming services and service times are listed on the Come to Church page.
How do I find the church? There are some directions - and details about parking - on the Visitors page.
Do you have facilities for visitors with disabilities? There is level access from the car park entrance, and we have a hearing loop and can provide large print books. One of the toilets is adapted to be accessible. If you contact the office we may be able to help with other concerns.
Should I dress up for church? Only if you want to, or you're going somewhere smart afterwards! You might see a few people in "Sunday Best" sometimes, but mostly people dress however they feel comfortable. Come as you are! (Unless you're reading this page in the bath - we do recommend getting dressed in some fashion.)
What happens in a service? They vary a bit depending on whether you're at a Sunday morning service in the church or a more informal afternoon service in one of the rooms. Have a look at the Worship page.
How many people will be at a service? About 70-80 people come to services on Sunday mornings, and about 30 people on Wednesday mornings. Other services tend to have around a dozen or so people. Our congregation is a good cross section of our local community.
What do you offer for children? There are baby changing facilities and a crèche and children's area in church which is always available, and some activity bags for younger children. Our safeguarding policy is here.
Will I have to make a donation? No, you won't, though at services there will usually be a collection at some point so you could if you wanted to. There's no obligation and you won't feel awkward if you don't. There's more information about that on the Giving Page.
Does it matter where I sit? No, sit anywhere you like. If there's some special reason why we might want to reserve a few seats at the front we'll have put a little "Reserved" sign on them, but that's not common. For instance, if a service includes a baptism we sometimes try to keep one or two rows of seats clear near the front so that children can get a good view of what's happening.
Will I have to take part in a service? No, you won't. You don't even have to join in with singing the hymns if you don't feel like it. Sometimes we have informal services - which usually take place in a smaller room rather than in church itself - where there will be a chance to be more involved if you want to, but that's up to you.
Do I have to be a Methodist to worship in your church? Absolutely not. Everyone is welcome at all services, from any denomination, or any faith, or none. If you would like to sit next to a "regular" who can explain what's happening, just ask whoever greets you at the door or anyone you see who is wearing a red name badge and they can introduce you to someone.
Do I have to be a Methodist to take Holy Communion in your church? Not at all. Everyone is welcome to share the bread and wine with us if they love Jesus or are seeking to get to know him, regardless of their church background. Our table is open to all, including children. We only serve non-alcoholic wine. There is usually gluten free bread available.
Who do I speak to about a christening or a wedding? Get in touch with the office in the first place.
Can I book a room at your church? Yes, we host a lot of community activities and lots of children's parties. Get in touch with our centre manager to ask about cost and availability or use the Book a Room button at the bottom of the page to make an enquiry.
What sort of church is a Methodist church? Methodism is a protestant denomination which separated from the Church of England in the 18th Century. Our church is part of the Methodist Church of Great Britain. We are part of the Sutton Park Circuit of churches, which is itself part of the Birmingham District. We share ministers with the rest of the Circuit and have some joint services with our sister churches in the Circuit.
What sort of Methodist church is this one? We're a little larger than average, serving a suburban community on the outskirts of Birmingham. You can find out more about our church and our local area here. Please have a look around our site for information about our Methodist faith, our church groups, our community links, and our history. You can also find out a bit more about our church building itself, and our rooms and halls. (A few of the pages about church groups and community links are still not fully up to date after the pandemic.)
I have a question you haven't answered - what should I do now?
Sorry about that. Please email the office or email the website editor. Ask us your question. We'll do our best to answer you and we'll improve this page for the future.